Tuesday, 29 January 2008


Diving, that is. I dived twice during my Whitsundays trip, and I loved it, loved it, loved it.

It's so much fun, and so much easier than I expected. Here go the basics:
1. Keep breathing. Remember Darth Vader*? If you sound just like him, you're doing it right.
2. When your ears are in pain, pinch your nose and blow air into them.
3. If you don't move, you sink.
4. Keep your legs straight when you swim. Pedaling doesn't get you anywhere.

And that's it, you're ready to go down there, to fly over the corals, through the caves, if the throngs of colorful fish let you through.

A few of the things I saw:

Yes, it was great. But going in with a group is, still, a pain in the arse. More so when the other members of your group are clumsier than a koala on roller skates and have the same swimming ability as a 300kg block of lard. Diving certification goes on my to-do list.

* Star Wars. Dude in black, oversized helmet, shortage of facial expression. Can't miss him.


Anonymous said...

Pooh-iph-pooh, I am your father's mother's brother's ex-room mate - which makes us ab-so-lute-ly nothing...

Anonymous said...

Awesome that you had a great time down there. The Reef of the Whitsundays is quite amazing, well done! Diving seems to be easy, but believe me: It takes a few time until you get professional in your buoyancy, oxygen consumption and self-control! Always ascent and descent SLOWLY - I did it once wrong and I still feel a pain either in my heart or left lung.

Unknown said...

I want diving too!! :(

Be careful with sharks :)

~ Aisha ~ said...

Me gustaría escribirte en inglés, pero me llevaría mucho tiempo...jeje.

Eso tiene que ser increíble!!(pero por mi parte creo que me acojonaría un poquitín).

Sigue disfrutando!!



Anonymous said...

Creo que el comentraio de Maw es de una persona que te conoce bien, eh?

Dani, no me puedes ser tan antisocial, eh? A ver, que te me quejas mucho de los grupos. Tú, ya sabes, cuando te molesta alguien, a mirar al horizonte, a leer un libro o a darle a la imaginación. De todas formas, para qué he estado pasando tardes contigo sino para darte el peor de los castigos y hacerte ver que no hay nadie más pesado que yo?? De esta forma pretendía hacerte fuerte para afrontar a todo tipo de personas, pero veo que ya he fracasado, snif, snif.

Taluego Snorkel!

Scholarly said...

maw: Pooh-iph-pooh-iiipphh-phhhuuhhh-chsss Damn! I can't breathe under this helmet! ^_^

Tobias: no need to remind me you're a master diver :P Still, it was much easier than I expected, and thus, much fun ;)

DraX: I saw a couple of sharks. Small ones, quite harmless.

Nata: Welcome! Me congratula verte comentando ;) Thx!

Yiyi: A ti te quiero ver con el tarado seboso aquel metiendote de aletazos, mientras pone cara de estar plantando el pino magistral de su vida. A leer un libro me queria ir yo xD

MakurA said...


Me ha encantado lo del tarado seboso! ='D uer, macho te iba a contar las mil maravillas de la cutre-foto acuática y a llenar el comentario de envidias insanas, pero me he escojonado tanto al imaginarte bajo el agua con el tipo en cuestión que se me han pasado las ganas xDDD

Juer, que envidia, sí. A ver si un día de estos yo también buceo. Aunque me da que me iba a dar claustrofobia (o agorafobia en caso de que no sea opresivo xDDD).

PS. "ceuaifoh"