In Darwin and the Top End of OZ, only two seasons are generally recognized: "the Dry", with plenty of sun and no rain, and "the Wet", when the area is flooded by the tropical monsoons.
Against all common sense and general practice, I've come during the Wet.
Now, whatever you might be thinking, I can assure you that during the monsoons, it does not rain. No, seriously.
Rain is a meticulously organized, finely crafted, well tuned, orderly process, involving proportions, quantities and statistics. The process that gently gets those tiny droplets that form a cloud to the ground safely and efficiently is nothing like what you experience in the Wet. This is not rain. It's just water falling from the sky. Spontaneous vertical waterfalls. Bulk water, in industrial quantities. Bucketfuls of soggy moisty goo just splashing chaotically about.
The water's all right. But at some point, the gale kicks in and starts blowing punches erratically, sweeping it all with jets of water, and giving the impression that the God of Rain in this parts uses a particularly big hose and, like a lazy gardener, just shakes it about. He uses a particularly big hairdryer, too.
The good thing is that during the Wet, you never get wet. Never ever. You are, of course, constantly humid and moisty and sticky and smelly, and, well, now and then you're terminally soaked to your bones. But you're never wet. Being wet requires a difference in temperature, and the water falling from the sky here is just as hot as your skin. And then again, it's sill 30º outside, so being soggy lasts next to nothing. You sort of dry instantly, but never completely, so it's back to the natural state of constant uncomfortable humidity.
It doesn't sound like the best climate on Earth, but I can't say I dislike it especially. Temperatures very rarely drop below 20º, be it sunny or rainy, day or night, which is a big plus for me. It does make you swear under your breath when you hang your clothes to dry and after a while they're soggier than before. But apart from that, and a general feeling of unpleasantness at times, it's all right. I could handle this for a while, no worries.
Funny though, that one should travel thousands of miles to find themselves.
But then even the moon may be a good destination: what matters is the outcome
The moon comes just next ^_^, still lots of finding to do
Suena bien eso de estar húmedo todo el día xDDD
No me enrollo que juraría que el siguiente post será muy interesante!
Pues yo creo que describes mejor la lluvia que cae por la manguera de un loco jardinero que alguna que otra historieta ;-P
Esto ya me empieza a gustar más, cuando cuentas, no tanto lo que haces (que también está bien) sino lo que te apetece contar de forma animada y, si se deja, con calidad.
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