I have so little to say about Darwin that I would just play the lazy card and post some pictures. It happens, however, that I couldn't get a single worthy pic either, so I'll have to tell a small adventure story.
I arrived in Darwin on the 1st of January of 2008. I was disgustingly ill and low on spirits. I had a nasty infection in my ear/throat that barely allowed me to speak and made any attempt at swallowing pure torture. I got it, I guess, while "sleeping under the stars" and "swimming in a billabong" in the Red Centre.
I made my way to my far away and, as it turns out, lousy hostel, then dropped my bags and went to the Hospital. Took a slow bus there (it's far away from the centre) and when I arrived I discovered that just seeing a doctor would cost me $140. I needed one though, for I knew I needed antibiotics and there's no other way of getting them. I also knew that my travel insurance would most probably pay for that, but just in case I preferred to pay as little as possible and skip the 4hr queue at the Hospital. So I walked the half hour back to Casuarina under the rain, and tried my luck at buying antibiotics over the counter with a negative outcome.
After a bit of musing in the rain, I abandoned the mission and as there were no more buses, with some trying I managed to hitch a ride back to the hostel, where I had a lousy night and survived on paracetamol and ibuprofen. The next day I found a doctor, paid $65 for a murky piece of paper and lots more for the pills.
But oh, was I happy.
Oh, and about Darwin... it's nice. Not big, not flashy, not beautiful, not impressive, not anything much. Just nice.
Joder, cahaval, pos ya sólo por eso sale a cuenta el seguro de viaje! Uff, que burrada! Y luego aquí nos quejamos óÒ'
PS. "Nipaw" Eso suena gracioso xDDD
Truman,yo estaba seguro de que te me ponías enfermo con las burradas que me haces. Presupongo que al final luego te pones a hacer balance y te compensa el hacer burradas, verdad?
En fin, a cuidarse se ha dicho, que me imagino que opinaremos lo mismo todos los posteros :P
Something IS going wrong-I've already posted twice and the bloody machine won't ever listen to me. It is as if my warnings bout "take care, Masterman" are out of range. This is injustice, yes it is.I'm being repressed!
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