Monday, 26 November 2007

It's a long way to Wagga Wagga

Fortunately, I had great company along the way. Cheers, Neil.

For long stretches, the train just crawls on painfully, clattering and puffing. And this is the train between Sydney and Melbourne, overwhelmingly the two most important cities in Australia. But well, that's the OZ way*: no worries, no hurries.

The landscape constantly morphs along the way, from the absolutely British around Sydney, with green forests and British Rail-like train stations, to the near-outbackish around Wogga. In between, lush forests, cattle farms, and different carhttle farms. They appear to have those iconic wind pumps everywhere around here.

It's a long way to Wagga Wagga, and a longer one to Melbourne. It's a long way to anywhere in these parts.

* OZ = Aussie


MakurA said...

Hey! Este casi se me escapa! xDDD

paumickey said...

Oye but, what's happened? Esto no taba el otro día!!! o me lo habré saltao yo? nusep

Anonymous said...

Beware all ye who do not browse back and forth, above and below...Tricky, inlaid comments from down under to up over, and beyond, and in between.
Lovely countryside, almost Spanishlike in the country of the wonderfully-Cockney wizard of Oz. How interesting a world map must be from that vantage point. Is there some Europe left on the far left side?